21 April, 2009

Official Lansamento

Horisehik iha loron 20 fulan Abril, Liu husi Secretario Estadu Juventude e Desporto halao lansamento official ba Organizasaun UNE-TL. Lansamento ne ho simbolika mente asina Deklarasaun Lansamento husi Secretario Estado Juventude e desporto Sr. Miguel Manetelo.

Iha Sr. Miguel nia descurso husu ba Juventude sira atu bele mai halibur an no treino Escuta iha Escuteiros no husu ba Inan aman sira atu haruka sira nia oan bele ba tuir treino iha Escuteiros. Iha mundo Membros Escureiros barak mak sai lideransa nebe ke diak.

Ida ne'e nudar pasu positivo ida ba UNE-TL tamba ho lansamento ida ne'e katak UNE-TL officialmente rekuinese ona husi Governo nudar organizasaun Escuteiros mesak iha Nasaun RDTL. Maske organizasaun Escuteiros hahu kedas halao nia aktividade iha Timor Kleur ona maibe atu hetan rekuinesemento husi governo foin horsehik. Ho Lansamento ida ne mos atu fasilita UNE-TL ba submisaun ba atu sai membro permanente ba APR (Asia Pacifik Scout ) Bureuo no mos sai membro WSOM (World Scout Organization Moviment).

Iha Lansamento ida ne mos partisipa mos Delegasaun husi APR Sr. Rasheed, Iha nia deskurso Sr. Rasheed promete katak APR ho membro APR tomak prontu atu ajuda Timor Leste ba sai membro permanente APR e no mos supporta ba Aktividade escureiros iha Timor Laran.

24 March, 2009

UNE-TL Submission to Timor Leste Government

23 March 2009 the constitution of the Uniao Nasional dos Escuteiros de Timor Leste (UNE-TL)was submitted to the Secretary State of Youth and Sport. The scout leaders were represent by Chief Commissioner Mr. Abel, International Commissioner Ms. Filomena and Commissioner of Youth Programme Mr. Ijolino to meet with the secretary to submit the UNE-TL constitutions.

During the submission has agreed to have a public announcement or press release with Secretary Youth and Sport Mr. Miguel Manetelo on April 21, 2009. This a step to go forward for the National recognition to UNE-TL as a National Scout Organization in Timor Leste. With the submission to the Secretary of youth and sport hope the Government will support the UNE-TL to provide the secretariat to UNE-TL and support the plan of UNE-TL for the submission to the APR and WSOM.